All items are produced and shipped from our facility within 2-4 business days (Not including the shipping time) from the time of purchase. Standard shipping times then apply. Click the tracking information located in your confirmation email to view your shipping details and lead time. Deliveries may take longer for international orders due to customs regulations within your country. Please contact us (link) if your order hasn’t arrived within the expected lead time.

Once fulfilled, we will send you the tracking information via email and Facebook Messenger.

Delivery DestinationTotal Production & Delivery Time
(Business Days)


United States Shipping: $3.99 + $2 each extra item for the entire order.
International Shipping: $7.99 + $5.99 êach extra item for the entire order.

FREE shipping for order more than $74.99 (US)

On average, merchandise is produced and shipped from our facility 2-3 business days after purchase. Standard shipping/transit times apply (1-7 days for domestic and 4-20 days for international).