Wouldn’t you say someone yelling in your face is threatening? Especially at a gathering of people who are all unified by a You Came To Say Hello Today I Whispered I Miss You As You Flew Away Blue Dragonfly 3D Golden Tree O collective hatred of you? Under those circumstances, a shove is perfectly reasonable and acceptable no matter who you are. If you voluntarily disobey an order by police at an already hostile environment to them, you have forfeited your right to act incognito. I don’t care how right you think you are. Actions bring consequences. . You can claim that all law enforcement is bad and racist because of isolated instances, but you’d be wrong and stupid. You’re welcome to test out that same situation yourself and document your experience
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You might suffer the same consequence, or you might not. We are all individuals and we all share the same instinct of self-preservation. That’s the end of this discussion. You can’t judge groups on acts of individuals. You can’t expect to threaten anyone with 0% chance that nobody will get hurt. That’s common sense you apparently don’t have. There you go. You’re welcome. Now fuck off. Yelling in [their faces]”? “Gathering of people”? “Hostile environment”? Where are you getting this shit? Actually watch the video before making an argument. He’s alone, the only group is far away, and is a You Came To Say Hello Today I Whispered I Miss You As You Flew Away Blue Dragonfly 3D Golden Tree O small gathering of maybe 5 people, standing peacefully. The constitution guarantees Americans’ right to peacefully protest. He was there, unarmed, and not attacking cops or being other than peaceful.
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You’re again arguing this threat narrative. The video shows an unarmed man walking forward and attempting to talk to police. Rather than respond in kind (by talking), the police simply shove him backward. If you want to make claims that he was a threat, the burden of proof lies with you to You Came To Say Hello Today I Whispered I Miss You As You Flew Away Blue Dragonfly 3D Golden Tree O support those claims. Couple final points: on your argument that I can’t expect to be in a hostile environment (which the video doesn’t show) and not be beaten by police, I expect that the police, as members of society we entrust with weapons and power, have the restraint to use those weapons and power in a responsible manner—not preemptively beating people, not denying Americans their first amendment rights, and not immediately jumping to force as their first option in dealing with people. If a cop walked up to me, not yelling or being aggressive and I shoved him because I thought he was a “threat,” I’d be arrested, easily and without question.
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