This is probably the Walk Away I Have Anger Issues And A Serious Dislike For Stupid People Jack Skellington Shirt. I lived in rural Iowa growing up and it was very common to see customers pushing a cart filled with pop. Prolly cause they stay inside more. There are also fewer of them, but not as drastic as people believe. Or maybe more and I and the other commenters just live in areas with a lot of them, that could be valid. Otherwise known as super morbidly obese. Fat isn’t just going to kill them, it’s going to do it soon. Something about water being cold overrides everything that makes you want to stop drinking it.
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I used to work at Sam’s Club in northwest Missouri and I would see the same morbidly, obese families, kids included. Every week pushing the Walk Away I Have Anger Issues And A Serious Dislike For Stupid People Jack Skellington Shirt flatbed carts loaded with cases of pop, multiple cases of full-sized candy bars and often times they would have the boxes of onion rings or french fries that restaurant owners come in and buy in bulk. It was borderline maddening to me because one of the families I knew personally, and their 12-year-old son got up to over 325 pounds and was diagnosed with diabetes and severe high blood pressure because his parents fed him straight shit for food. Poor kid is still enormous and will probably have a heart attack before he’s out of high school.
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Oh God, I was with you until you had to make the trump comment. Were they not allowed to shop at Sam’s club before trump was in? Who is the Walk Away I Have Anger Issues And A Serious Dislike For Stupid People Jack Skellington Shirt fuck is going to stop someone from eating or drinking what they want whether they are rich or not? Your comment has nothing to do with anything other than you wanted to take a shot at Trump. I don’t like Trump either but get a grip. That had nothing to do with your original comment. People are fat all over America. Them being rich has nothing to do with them not being bothered about being fat. Nor does Trump have anything to do with it. They weren’t even talking about the video. They were talking about their own story.
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