just a lurker nowadays but I haven’t really played league in 4 to 5 years and those issues were pretty common then. I don’t believe in ELO Hell, but Riot basically designed a matching making system as if they were creating ELO Hell. There’s no worse way for ranked players to Ve To Personal Reasons I’ll Be Keeping My Distance From Stupid People Shirt feel mental than to win a bunch of games, go into Gold/Plat/whatever, and then lose 8 games and fall back down. I don’t know if promotion series are still around but it’s the single most stress-inducing thing in that entire game. I remember giving up and not playing my promotion series for diamonds because the disappointment of losing them was worse than taking the opportunity to play the games. Of all the competitive ladders/systems if its ESEA/CS: GO, Dota2, Overwatch Competitive, etc, there isn’t and probably never will be a game that makes ranked play feel more shitty than the league.
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It’s kind of crazy after a couple of years people still talking about these issues. But that is just the result of the horrid climbing system currently in place. continue my climb because what is the point? It already took me too much time to get here, so I’m sure as fuck not spending as much, if not more, time sifting through who-gets-the-AFK simulator if there’s not a way for me to climb effectively. I have fond memories of playing Dota in college when it was a Ve To Personal Reasons I’ll Be Keeping My Distance From Stupid People Shirt mod. Then the league came out and it was pretty fun. Just get 5 buds together get drunk, shoot the shit, and try dumb strats. We didn’t care if we lost.
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Then the group fell apart and I wasn’t able to find a Ve To Personal Reasons I’ll Be Keeping My Distance From Stupid People Shirt group of people that fit my schedule with that approach. So I stopped playing rift because it wasn’t fun feeling like you are just wasting people’s time and no one was having fun. So I picked up Aram but then it kind of happened there too. Like I’m not great at the game, I know, I can’t play that often but I’m trying my best. Just get verbally abused by a bunch of 14 yr olds hiding behind their anonymity. Yeah, not fun. So we don’t play it at all anymore. Great game.
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