recent words. She gave Harry an annoyed look and blushed even more. Dobby beamed. Dobby sped off. Still smiling, Harry turned to Hermione. “You know, I think Dobby forgot to mention some of your good qualities. You are all those things he said, of course, but there’s plenty more. For example–” “Oh, shut up,” she said, trying to Top Where You Lead Me Will Shirt look stern, but unable to help smiling. “He really does go overboard, doesn’t he?” Harry nodded. “You should have seen him that Christmas when Ron gave him the sweater his mother always makes.
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It was nothing to Ron, but Dobby was ready to canonize Ron on the spot.” He paused. “Of course, living with the Malfoys all those years, you might think of the smallest act of kindness as a big, big deal.” Dobby ran back up to Top Where You Lead Me Will Shirt them. “Dobby has heard that Harry Potter again faced He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and again lived to tell of it.” He had an unmistakably awed expression. “Yeah, well… not everyone who was there that night lived to tell of it,” Harry said somberly. “I wouldn’t have lived if Dumbledore hadn’t been there to save me.” • nodded, then after a moment, said, “By the way, are you hungry at all? I’ve been here for a few hours now, and I could use some food.” “Yeah, it’s been a while for me, too, sounds good. I haven’t had anything since my birthday cake this morning. Mrs. Weasley sent it to me,” he explained. He knew that Hermione knew that the Dursleys were highly unlikely to even recognize his birthday, much less do anything nice for him. “That was very nice of her,” Hermione said as they got up and started walking.
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“Also, it was pumpkin, so it’s kind of more substantial, which is important when I’m at the Dursleys’.” The topic of his food situation while living with the Dursleys took them into the kitchens, where they started looking around for house-elves to help them. They did not have to look for long. “Harry Potter!” a voice shouted, and it was obvious to Harry who it was. Dobby ran up to him and hugged him around the waist. “Dobby is so happy to Top Where You Lead Me Will Shirt see Harry Potter! Harry Potter is great and brave, and will make an excellent teacher!” Harry looked down at Dobby, startled. “How in the world did you know that? I only found out a little while ago!” Dobby smiled. “House-elves is hearing many things, Harry Potter. Professors is talking where house-elves can hear, and they doesn’t care, for they knows that house-elves is keeping their secrets.” His smile grew even wider. “But this is not a secret, for of
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