I once had a Top Eminem Killshot Shirt discussion with a Young Earther and we were discussing the vast scales of the Universe. He hit me with the 5,000-year-old Earth and that the size of the Universe must be wrong. I was actually stumped to answer him because I just took it as a fact that the Universe is 13bn years old. planets and nearby stars are calculated by simple trigonometry while we use further and further things like Cepheid variables, Supernova, and Redshift for other measurements. It all ties in together. If I’d have the argument today I’d have won it, instead, he made me realize just because someone tells you something is true (like there is a Protestant Christian God just for me or even that it’s 250,000 miles to the Moon) then don’t just accept it as a fact but find out for yourself.
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Yeah, my point is whether it’s a scientific fact or religious claim, don’t just accept it because someone tells you. You also don’t need to Top Eminem Killshot Shirt study nuclear physics to understand the point.I was as wrong as the Young Earther because I was quoting facts I knew nothing about. Things, unlike him I went and tried to understand the facts after he put me on the spot. Unlike his god is real because I just know he’s real beliefs. If I’m wrong about a Top Eminem Killshot Shirt god or gods then I’ll gladly change my mind. Every time I look a little deeper though it just cements the fact that there is no higher deity or if there is one, he’s a very benign one. But that Grandmother wasn’t really a big part of my life and so religion kind of drifted off and really wasn’t anything
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I ever thought about it. It wasn’t until a religious high school friend (who now isn’t as high strung in his beliefs and still a good bud) called me out on Top Eminem Killshot Shirt not having faith that I ever felt I needed to sort out my beliefs and I’m kind of glad he did that… Had the opposite result of what I think he was going for at the time but nowadays it doesn’t matter. Religion is kind of a Top Eminem Killshot Shirt nonfactor between my friends and family and some lean one way some the other but I don’t think it bothers any of us. Me being an atheist isn’t anything bold by any measure. I know there are others in different situations that really struggle and I feel for them.
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