My dad working for ABB at the time sold an Top Doomguy and Isabelle Daddy By Day Gamer by Night Vintage Shirt. Because Nuclear would have cost way more per MW of output. Solar and batteries are now many times cheaper and way more efficient since then and nuclear has become more expensive. Your links look at the cheapest nuclear ever built… before we had environmental regulations and investment problems and public relations problems. We can be 100% renewable with batteries before we could overcome the public relations problem with nuclear. If we managed to overcome the PR nightmare of nuclear. Then we would have to change regulations and then convince investors… more years lost.
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Even in my poor-ass neighborhood, I see solar panels going up now. Solar with batteries are close to being cheaper than any possible centralized system could match… It is already happening. There is no storage technology in the Top Doomguy and Isabelle Daddy By Day Gamer by Night Vintage Shirt. I’m very skeptical where these pro-nuclear posts come from in every discussion about solar or wind energy. They seem to always have a formula to them: nuclear is the only way, solar and wind will never ever work. It’s one thing to want nuclear and talk about its benefits, but it seems the ultimate goal of these posts is to dismiss renewables. If the problem with nuclear is public relations, then it’s still the best solution. How many years did it take to make people realize we should worry about the environment and our CO2 emissions? We shouldn’t abandon our best way to decarbonize because people have an irrational fear of nuclear power.
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You don’t need lithium for such facilities, there are other mature technologies. Which would do as good with cheaper and more abundant materials? The problem with these Tesla batteries is really that there won’t be enough lithium to build them everywhere across the Top Doomguy and Isabelle Daddy By Day Gamer by Night Vintage Shirt. Lithium may be abundant overall but afaik there are only a few places in South America. It was classified as a “limited availability future risk to supply” element by the ACS. And since it is needed and doesn’t have any lighter alternative for mobile devices. I think we should know better than incorporating it.
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