I’m not hurt by it at all, but it is sad to Sunshine Sugar Skulls Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt to see how ignorant other countries are about us. It’s gotten to the point where it’s incredibly hard to take anyone from outside the US seriously. I’ve never even seen someone carrying a gun outside of a gun range. Most of the people I know aren’t fat. Our post-secondary education is world-class. People need to understand we have the 3rd largest population and the 4th largest landmass in the world. Of first world countries, the only one that comes close is Japan and they have half the population we have. You’re going to have very different types of people depending on where you go.
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Do you want to Sunshine Sugar Skulls Dia De Muertos Day Of Dead Shirt criticize America? Criticize our moronic government that lost the election by millions of votes. Criticize the money-hungry CEOs like Jeff Bezos. Talk about how bad our health care system is. There are plenty of legitimate things to talk about yet people talk about random bullshit. I’ve been all over the country, and I’m sorry to say that at this point, the second you get outside the major urban centers, everyone is a variant of a fat stupid redneck. Just know there are more of us than not, that think that other cultures and people are beautiful and would welcome you here with open arms.
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