I honestly think (hope?) that November will see the Sugar Skull Girl Day Of The Dead Shirt biggest turnout of voters in US history and Biden will smash it out the park. Not because Biden is such a good candidate but because he’s the only other choice. He’s going to lose. This time he is down in all the swing states and hardcore republican states. He’s not down by a couple of points either. To top it off he’s losing old white people because of Rona. He’s done. Unless Joe Biden comes out of the basement and starts making a fool of himself and trump decides to pass some bills that help middle-class Americans then there’s no hope for his re-election.
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And if that doesn’t work they’ll start to Sugar Skull Girl Day Of The Dead Shirt play up Biden’s singleness as they did with Hillary’s medical issues and body doubles or whatever crazy bullshit they were reaching for at the time when plan 1 didn’t work. The election is as far away as now is to the beginning of the lockdowns. The polls at this point literally mean nothing. And if there’s anything we should have learned from 2016 it’s that the polls and stats were not incorrect its just that most people don’t understand stats. A 25% chance of winning is still an HY-UGE chance of winning. Imagine if you had a 25% chance of winning the lottery. Everyone would be multi-millionaires
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