Guaranteed she would have her own Subway Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’T Stay At Home Shirt rules for her house or business and not allow anyone in who doesn’t follow them. Probably has a sign that says no face masks allowed. Entitled bitch. Saw her relative at the grocery store today. Wanted to punch her or drag her out of the store when she was trying to explain to staff that she can’t wear a mask. Bitch you can’t shop here then. GTFO! This is gold….”Sir, I have a health condition that prevents me wearing a collared shirt. You are required by law to let me Into this nightclub”
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I asked a store associate and they Subway Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’T Stay At Home Shirt said management said they can’t say anything to the customers not wearing masks and the employees gave me the okay to troll said customer.I definitely started drawing some attention when I got loud. At one point I called him an asshole and a employee came up to me with a smile on his face. I singled this guy out so hard in public and fuck if I give a shit. My wife told me my mistake was shopping at Walmart.
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2 reviews for Subway Mickey Mouse Covid 19 2020 I Can’T Stay At Home Shirt