She is a centrist, a corporate Democrat, who gave all the Sometimes I Have To Tell Myself It’s Not Worth The Jail Time Shirt right answers during her behind-the-scenes interviews with Democrat management. I did find her questioning of Kavanaugh, and Barr, to be compelling. She came across as intelligent, quick, and genuine. I am not at all providing these examples of Biden-Harris as excuses for anyone to not vote for Biden-Harris, or vote against them, or third-party, etc. If the Democrats nominated a broken rocking chair and worn out shoe sole, we should vote for them. Trump is a dangerous threat.
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And since Progressives couldn’t mount a successful campaign to Sometimes I Have To Tell Myself It’s Not Worth The Jail Time Shirt get Bernie or Warren, we have Uncle Joe. The amazing part is Biden has kind of been fundraising with his hands tied behind his back. Even if its the same person a fundraiser with the VP nominee is bound to bring in more than with a Senator and VP hopeful. I am hoping the fundraising picks up from July when unfortunately Trump outraised us. Also, I would not undersell the opening this gives for Harris to do South-Asian specific fundraisers. They’re above average in wealth in the US and politically one of the more conservative-leaning immigrant groups in the US.
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