There’s a place in the Skull Witch Dead Pancreas Society Diabetes Classic T-Shirt town where I live, an intersection that for no rhyme or reason makes me think of her and cry every time. My little Dawn. It’s been 24 years. I will not miss her. Everything isn’t politics. This is really one-sided. Plenty of people mourn, have small funerals or memorials. And after all of that in the right context sometimes it does make sense to say keep trying, things will be better. Anti-abortionists cause let’s be honest, they’re not “pro-life is always from the party of “small government”, except when it’s time to use government to control women’s bodies.
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It’s not about being Skull Witch Dead Pancreas Society Diabetes Classic T-Shirt against abortion, if it was they’d advocate for greater comprehensive sex ed and ease of access to sexual protection, it’s about imposing one’s beliefs on someone else to control Ohio, the parents have the option of having the fetal remains buried, with or without cremation. They may name the fetus. Ohio will provide an official certificate of fetal death, too. Ohio calls it a fetal death at 20 weeks and calls it a spontaneous abortion at fewer weeks. The parents still have the option of a death certificate, though it won’t be counted in our fetal mortality statistics.
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