sure to mention it to her the next time I see her.” Malfoy chuckled. “Yeah, like she’ll believe you. She knows what’s good for her, and that’s me. Women are drawn to power, Potter, not stupid heroics.” Harry had heard enough, as, he suspected, had Pansy. “Whatever you say, Malfoy. Would you like to debate the meaning of life,
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or would you like to tell me what you’re doing here?” “I was looking for Pansy, Potter. Don’t suppose you’ve seen her anywhere?” “If this is an unlikely place for me at noon on Sunday, Malfoy, then it seems really unlikely for her. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Malfoy stared at Samurai The Fears We Don’t Face Become Our Limits Sunset ShirtHarry, hatred in his eyes. “Do you know what will happen one day, Potter?” Harry looked at Malfoy evenly. “Yes, Malfoy. We’ll look back on this and laugh. Professor Trelawney told me. Now, I’d