Basically he had several kids with her, turned her into a subservient barbie doll, and then just up and left one day. I don’t remember the exact details, but I remember being horrified as I read this article in its original publication many years ago at a doctor’s office. The same week, Nevada went down for a Samurai Moon Don’t Fear Death Fear The Unlived Life Shirt nap, placed on his back as always, and stopped breathing. He was 10 weeks old, the age when male infants are most susceptible to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). By the time the paramedics resuscitated him, he had been deprived of oxygen for so long that he was brain-dead. He spent three days on life support in a hospital in Orange County before we made the decision to take him off it. I held him in my arms when he died.
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That sounds like a classic cluster-b personality disorder symptom. Hard to Samurai Moon Don’t Fear Death Fear The Unlived Life Shirt say from this one data point because losing a child can be incredibly traumatic, and everybody deals with trauma in a different way. But this is a very toxic and unhelpful way to deal with trauma. (it’s basically gaslighting; really, projection – he’s being emotionally manipulative while accusing her of being emotionally manipulative). Taken in the context of all his other weird gaffes, I’d say he’s probably a pretty good candidate for either NPD or BPD. I didn’t know much about him either. . I have no idea if it’s true because I didn’t dig deeper. Nah, Grimes has always been like this. Not that I really care enough to stop supporting her work though, she hasn’t done anything particularly bad and her music is good.
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I mean, when you think about it Tony Stark in MCU wasn’t a saint either. Sure he did a lot of good things, but I can think of at least 6 villains, one of them powerful enough to need the full Avengers, that he basically created with his dickishness. Plus the whole “I created exactly what Hydra wanted to Samurai Moon Don’t Fear Death Fear The Unlived Life Shirt do in Winter Soldier and gave the controls to a teenager” thing in Far from Home is pretty fucked up when you think about it.
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