I THOUGHT the running looked to Rip Chadwick Boseman Wakanda Forever 1977 2020 Shirt real to be fake, I was just impressed with the special effects. Damn. I thought they were on harnesses?? Held up by a crane or something IIRC. I remember seeing a BTS on it unless I’m thinking about a totally different movie. Infinity War did it with wires. In the Civil War, they did it with a long carpet. Yep. Basically just a really long sheet of heavy fabric, being towed by a car. IIRC, they started off at like 5MPH, then redid the scene over and over again with the car moving slightly faster each time.
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The jumps off the side of the building and Rip Chadwick Boseman Wakanda Forever 1977 2020 Shirt overpass were real too; They used a fall-arrest system, which basically allowed them to fall at full speed, then slowed them down just enough to avoid injury, right before they hit the ground. IIRC, the carjacking stuff was also real, with them actually crawling all over the outside of a moving vehicle as it barreled down the tunnel. That’s why it looked so silly. Their strides seemed so short for how fast they were moving.
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