we lost a friend, but we should honor their life and their sacrifice, not beat ourselves up over what they did. Sirius wouldn’t want you to Ren And Stimpy Happy Happy Joy Joy Vintage Shirt blame yourself for what happened. You know that.” Try as he might, Harry couldn’t deny the truth in some of her words. “Part of me knows that, but…” He thought for a few seconds, then looked at her, still pained. “I know I can try to do that, and I think I will eventually, but the problem is…
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when I blame myself for what happened, there’s at least some truth in it. You said it’s part of life, and you may be right, but it’s still my fault. It’s more my fault than you know, in fact…” He trailed off and saw that she was waiting for him to finish the sentence, but being patient, knowing it was hard for him. “When I was having those dreams, I wanted them to continue,” he admitted. “I knew Professor Dumbledore wanted me to learn Occlumency so I wouldn’t have them, but I wanted to keep having them anyway, I wanted to know what was behind the door I kept seeing, it was like I needed to know. I imagine that’s part of what Voldemort had in mind. But the point is, I knew what I was supposed to Ren And Stimpy Happy Happy Joy Joy Vintage Shirt do, and I didn’t even try to do it, I did the opposite. No reason, just that it was what I wanted to do, so I did it
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. And look what happened.” She looked at him very sadly. “That still doesn’t make it your fault,” she said. “You had no way of knowing the dreams were deliberate, nobody warned you about it. They, Dumbledore, gave you way too little information. He told you what to do, but not why to Ren And Stimpy Happy Happy Joy Joy Vintage Shirt do it, which is also important. If he had–” He shot her an angry look. “I’m not going to blame him. It wasn’t his fault.” “I’m not saying it was, Harry, really,” she said, still sad in the face of his anger. “Just that there were all kinds of things that factored into it. You did what you thought was right with the information you had, and it’s really understandable that you’d want to know what was behind the door. You can’t blame yourself.” Harry’s anger had faded, replaced by guilt and sadness. . “Yes, I can… I have, a lot. I’ve thought • 57 • about this so much, trying to think of what I should have done differently. I feel like what it all comes down to is that I just acted on whatever I felt, didn’t think first.
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