Knowing your boss has your back is such a Pro Turtle Don’t Go Outside Classic Shirt rare and amazing thing. Today I ended up swamped with work that I’ll probably be mired in for the rest of the week. It does take the stress away a bit. I’m in my 30s and it has only been in the last year that I don’t have to pick which bills I can afford each month and still be able to eat.
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Before I’d even had a chance to reply.My oriole family in my yard wrecked my feeder because it was empty. It made me happy to Pro Turtle Don’t Go Outside Classic Shirt know that I can help animals in some small way. It made me laugh to know that they were all, “Hey, where’s the food at, Lady!?”I’ll never understand the saying that money doesn’t bring happiness man.
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Being able to breathe sounds like a Pro Turtle Don’t Go Outside Classic Shirt great and happy way to be. Knowing you can drop a few bills on a friend’s hobby or help out a homeless guy or something. Have no debt, be able to afford health insurance, not having to worry about which kid gets new shoes this week, and which one gets some next month. Money is good if used wisely and not hoarded like all of the top 1%.
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