Trump recorded on a hot mic on Pride Or Die Homies LGBT shirt Classic Shirt the school bus in first grade: “I don’t even wait. And when the teacher gives you a gold star, they let you do it. You can do anything. … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.” Right?? Trump’s life experiences are so different from those of the average American, it’s crazy how his voters have been duped into thinking, “Yep, that’s our guy”. Trump literally couldn’t care less about the working-class people who vote for him, and he certainly can’t relate to them either. He’s so convinced he’s never wrong. He’s also said he doesn’t ask God for forgiveness because he doesn’t need to. ”
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Then he doubled down in that stance a year later: “I have a Pride Or Die Homies LGBT shirt Classic Shirt great relationship with God. I have a great relationship with the Evangelicals. . And I am good. I don’t do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that is bad.” I know this sounds like a no true Scotsman, but there truly is no way at all that anyone can still genuinely be both a devout follower of Christ AND Trump. Nothing against Christians,
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“Narcissists have high self-esteem. But unlike individuals with a secure sense of high self-esteem, narcissists have what researchers call “fragile high self-esteem“. It is a form of high self-esteem dependent on external validation and self-deception.” “Self-esteem can be understood as one’s valuation of one’s own worth. This sense of one’s value can rest on a Pride Or Die Homies LGBT shirt Classic Shirt secure foundation, or it can be fragile and dependent on constant external validation. . Verbal defensiveness is one key indicator of fragile high self-esteem. It may feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells around someone with narcissistic fragile high self-esteem.
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