Please don’t hate to say that. You’re describing a rational approach to being concerned for the well-being of the citizens. We need some of that here in the Pretty Pit Bull To All My Haters Vintage Shirt. It’s exhausting. First, we made polite advisory signs. Then we put chairs as a blockade around the check-in check-out desks to avoid patients hovering too close. And even removed staggered waiting room seating so encourage distancing. Still doesn’t register with physical barriers. I actually spent the last hour of my shift this evening making new signage and plastering them everywhere around the entrance, waiting room and counter windows. Less polite, more to the point, with stop sign clip art and all.
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I removed more waiting area chairs and rearranged the desk barrier ones in an Pretty Pit Bull To All My Haters Vintage Shirt. I can’t wait for it to not work tomorrow. Having been working in restaurants for going on 15 years I would say 99% of people are polite and respectful to the employees and rules but it’s that 1% that makes shit unnecessarily difficult that really sticks to people’s minds and memories. So for every 500 guests, there’s like 5 people that are straight-up garbage. Just my experience. Certain locations and establishments probably have a little more though. Before our business closed started working remotely, we had a sign on the door to not come in. If it can be done over the phone. A dude comes in to pay a bill(could be done over the phone, he used a check).
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Acknowledges the sign so he did see it, then he coughs several times and blows his nose into a handkerchief which he puts back in his pocket. I’m thinking “This is the dude, these are the idiots that are gonna ignore all the Pretty Pit Bull To All My Haters Vintage Shirt. But then, this bastard family (the kids shouldn’t even be in the store, to begin with, they were 8 and 10 probably, plenty old to wait in the car for 5 minutes alone), stands DIRECTLY behind me like everything is normal and were not in the middle of a virus crisis that is literally shutting down the country and killed thousands. Not to mention their suspect hygiene had already been on display.
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