It makes me think of one of the Premium Kobe Bryant Playing Basketball Shirt “Homeward Bound” movies where they end up in California. They encounter sea lions at the pier and speculate that they’re dogs that spent too long in the bath lol. Haha, especially why he gave him the side-eye lol. My chihuahua does the same when she’s skeptical of whatever the fuck I am doing. I mean if my owner was a beefcake monster that I weighed a mere 3% of, I would be fearful of everything they do as well. Even if they have no ill intent. I wonder what is going through the mind of the seal.
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Like if it thinks it must be dead and it’s just giving up. Must be scary as fuck. The closest thing I can imagine for a Premium Kobe Bryant Playing Basketball Shirt human would be if you were coughing a lot but didn’t know why. Then some alien abducts you, straps you to a table, rips out a bacterial infection you had no idea about then beams you back to Earth. Wow, that’s a different version of what I hear. Normally they beam us up and stick things in our butt and then who knows what happens after that. I’m kinda surprised how easy that seal gave up and just laid there not fighting.
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I think they are programmed that way. It’s actually a Premium Kobe Bryant Playing Basketball Shirt a very good strategy. Once you’re caught in a position like that, you’re caught and stuck. As soon as you see daylight, you put all your energy into it to leave. It also gives the attacker a false sense of victory, and they might feel like you’re finished, and let up a little, or won’t expect how much power you still have in you when you put all your energy into it. I think he was in a lot of pain honestly, that’s why he was able to catch him in the first place.