may be necessary for our larger aims? We cannot afford that, Professor. You need to understand that. I will have little tolerance for arguments against actions because they might cause harm to this person or that person.” • 206 • Snape might have continued, but Harry cut him off. “So however many corpses it takes to Premium Is There Anything Beer Can’t Do Shirt beat Voldemort, it doesn’t matter? Individual lives mean nothing?” “I think,” said McGonagall, “that Professor Snape meant that they do mean nothing,
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but that they must be balanced against other considerations, sometimes in ways, you would not easily understand.” Making his voice more polite now that he was talking to McGonagall, Harry said, “I think I would understand if it was explained to me, at least.. “But Professors Snape and McGonagall make a valid point; there are times when hard choices have to be made, and made with an emphasis on strategic ramifications. That is not easy for anyone to get used to Premium Is There Anything Beer Can’t Do Shirt , nor should it be. However,” he said, now addressing Snape and McGonagall, “Harry will not be in a decision-making role, so I refuse to condemn his unwillingness to send a friend to their death. But he has a role, and he will do better with more information. He will do his best, as we all do.. He is Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. He cannot help but be at the crux of events. “I am simply concerned that he could inadvertently harm the movement.” “I think, Severus, that Harry will find it within himself to do what he knows he must. Now, let us return to the question of this vision of Harry’s. Was it deliberate, or an accident? Opinions? “It must be deliberate
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• 207 • “I believe that it is highly unlikely that the Dark Lord would be so careless as to Premium Is There Anything Beer Can’t Do Shirt accidentally allows this to be seen.” “But then the part that involves you doesn’t make any sense,” Harry pointed out. He was a bit hesitant to speak up in this company, but Dumbledore had as much as told him he should, and so he did. “Why should he want us to think that you’re loyal to him? How does that help him? But if he suspected your loyalty… “Not bad, Professor Potter,” said McGonagall approvingly. “You do catch on. But there can be wheels within wheels. It is possible that he considers Professor Snape a truly valuable operative, but is willing to sacrifice him to make us take more seriously
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