Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can make it easier” or something like that. Paraphrasing from probably a dozen different people. “. Visited a 10-month-old baby I removed from her parents 2 months ago. She used to Premium Boondocks Shirt be wide-eyed, hyper-alert, and constantly crying and seeking reassurance. She’s now a smiling, confident, comical baby with warm, brown eyes who is thriving on the love, care, and attention of her new carers. Sometimes my job is actually worthwhile.
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from her family saying how I was always her favorite doc and she always felt cared for every time she would visit for an appointment. That really made my day. I skate on my lunch breaks and have been trying to land a trick I haven’t landed in a while, the 360 flip. Before I went to Premium Boondocks Shirt skate, my girlfriend texted me and told me to have a good session and that she knows I’ll land the trick today. I’ve been working on a model train set with the guy I recently have started seeing. It’s a fun, wholesome project that we’re both excited about. I bought some miniatures for it and sent him a picture like “look what I got” and he responded “those are awesome but they’re the wrong scale, but it’s ok, we will just make a diorama just for them”. The trains he has are N scale and the miniatures I got were HO scale, which would basically make them Amazonians walking around the city.
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Haven’t played for a year now, last time I played (already had a break before that) I wanted the competitive rush again and just jumped into a Premium Boondocks Shirtranked and played 3 matches. Jesus, what a dumpster fire. Everybody was just flaming each other after 5 seconds into every game. It was HORRIBLE. If I ever play again, I‘ll instantly block allchat. It honestly kills my mood when people treat each other like that.
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