He’s built a worldview where every problem is “easy” through a combination of being lazy, through managing to get someone else to Pokemon Go Fest 2020 Shirt handle whatever problems he has (whether he’s aware of them or not), by having never been held accountable for anything he’s done or failed to do for the last 20-30 years, and because he’s a gullible idiot that chooses to believe the villainizing propaganda Fox shovels – he’s another idiot grandpa.because as a narcissist he sees anything not going his way as a direct attack on him. It’s pathological (and textbook)Dr. Fouci was on Hannity the other day and he flat out told that idiot and his audience that the audience needed to know and understand that this virus is not “just the flu” and that it is “ten times deadlier than the flu”.
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Hannity then tried to backtrack, saying “Oh, no, no, no, no….” in regards to an earlier statement about COVID-19 being akin to “the flu”. He tried to make it look like he had been agreeing with the doctor the entire time. It made my blood boil. The garbage and misinformation that FOX has spread make me just sick. Sick and tired of this entire administration. If the pandemic isn’t as bad as every health organization and scientist has been saying it is, they can make the argument that the government should recommend that workers resume their jobs, financial assistance should go to Pokemon Go Fest 2020 Shirt corporations, and stock prices will elevate based on the pandemic subsiding. It also minimizes Trump’s absolute dereliction of duty in handling this disaster. It also makes the Democrats who have been dealing in facts and reality look as if they’re politicizing an emergency and blowing things out of proportion while calming the most susceptible demographic, which happens to include the largest Republican demographic – older and elderly Americans. It’s pure partisanship and opportunism, something the Republican Party is simply unable to avoid doing anymore.
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It’s so sad. DPA isn’t even needed to make sure everyone gets PPE. For starters, the federal government could centralize purchasing. Right now states and the federal government are in literal bidding wars. Just by centralizing purchasing, this could help states tremendously. Next, the US could send a military plane over to Pokemon Go Fest 2020 Shirt China and purchase several N95 machines. You can literally find them on Alibaba. Bring them back to the US, turn them on and your problem is solved in less than a week. Also, he still doesn’t know what a trade deficit is, and he’s stuck in some sort of thought loop with the word ‘tariff’. As long as he’s in office, assume the federal government is both unable and unwilling to act like anything except a hindrance to any effort at controlling the pandemic.
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