He could have double-downed on it as he did here. . You bumbling idiot. But you blew it.. They were in such a Party In The US GAY Shirt Classic Shirtbad predicament either way with him saying it. Either he meant it (which he did) and that is not only dangerous but idiotic, or he He definitely has blood on his hands, and we need to repeat it as often as possible. A Never Underestimate An Old Woman With A Piano Shirt competent response could have saved a hundred thousand or more lives and actually The gameplan was available to this administration. The process was known: testing and contact tracing, masks, and social distancing. Other countries did it successfully.
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Sure, but as frustratingly insane as it is that (less than half of) the United States somehow accepts “he was joking” about all these crazy things our President says, where he’s clearly not joking, that excuse just got blown out of the water. Trump can’t help but shit the bed that his handlers keep cleaning and making for him. . He is a murderer. Actually the Earth is flat and there aren’t other planets, this is it for the universe, and it turns out Trump made Space Force to Party In The US GAY Shirt Classic Shirt fight the mole people, dinosaurs, and Nazis that live on the dark side of the planet.
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One of my favorite sayings is “A republican would shit their own pants if it means the libs had to smell it” and it’s so true. I like to believe that a Party In The US GAY Shirt Classic Shirt lot of his supporters doesn’t really care about putting kids in cages or pollution or whatever, they just know the Democrats don’t like it and that makes them want to do it.
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