x Charm on • 361 • you, make you forget what happened. But we can’t be sure. Not everyone can do a Memory Charm, and they can be broken. If you find a spy and he knows it, he could decide his best chance is to kill you and get out of the school before he’s caught. You just can’t know. made • 362 • a teacher. It got worse all week, especially after you embarrassed him both times in the Great Hall, and then last night, when he lost his badge, he just lost it. He says he wants to kill you if he gets a chance. I don’t mean that as a figure of speech, I mean, he actually wants to kill you. I think he’s serious. “I had no problem with the Snackboxes thing at first. It was a prank, fine, no problem, no one gets hurt. But after you found out, and told him to stop it, I tried to get him to stop, told him it wasn’t worth it. But he wouldn’t listen. Something’s changed… it’s like, he’s become this ugly person I want nothing to do with. I mean, he’s always hated you, but he had some perspective, knew not to break the
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But this is serious. I know you understand that idea, but it feels different after something really bad happens to you, or someone you care about.” He glanced over at Hermione. Hedrick stepped forward. “We’ll be really careful, we promise.” Harry nodded. “Okay… well, we should finish up now, and go over to the Great Hall while breakfast is still being served.” “Can’t, Harry,” Ron said. He was looking at the Map, but holding it low and behind a chair so no one else could see it. “Pansy Parkinson’s right outside the portrait hole.” “Great,” Harry muttered. “Obviously, Justin, Ernie, and the Slytherins can’t leave until she’s gone. I’ll step outside and tell her to go away. Nobody leaves until I come back.” Harry climbed outside the portrait hole and was face to face with Pansy Parkinson. “You know, this is an odd place for you to be hanging out,” he said. To his great surprise, she looked anxious. She said, “Oh, Harry, I’m glad it’s you that came out. I want to talk to you. I want to help you.” Harry was stunned; this was the last thing he expected to hear. He said nothing, but his expression spoke volumes. Parkinson seemed to understand. “I know what you’re thinking,
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why should I believe her, she’s Draco’s friend, she’s still with him, she just wants to find out stuff to help him. Is that about right?” Harry nodded. “Also, ‘she’s dumping him like a Official Some Of Us Grew Up Listening To Johnny Cash The Cool Ones Still Do Shirt hot potato because he lost his badge and his power, but if he ever gets it back…’” She looked down. “Yes, I understand that too. The timing looks pretty suspect. And it is related, but not in the way you’d think.” She paused, then looked at him intently, as if it were very important that he be made to understand. “You see, Draco’s just gone off the deep end. He’s been in a rage against you being
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