This is exactly what I’ve Official Motho Ke Motho Ka Batho Shirt been saying, and the Listless Minds just retort. Yes, well, life’s always been difficult, you’ll find a way if you want it bad enough. Sorry, what? Want what bad enough? An over-priced house with an ever-weakening job market? Or the kids that’ll have no meaningful future, also adding to my expenses? Thanks but no, thanks. All 3 of my adult children live with me, they all work we all split the bills it’s really nice. I moved back with my mother last March 2019 at 26. I felt so ashamed about doing it.
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Wish there wasn’t such an Official Motho Ke Motho Ka Batho Shirt stigma for living with family when you’re older. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with living with parents. here in the middle east Qatar precisely we get married and stay at my parent’s house obviously after we get and have a stable income. I’ve been at home since we moved here as kids. I’m 30 now. Mom passed in 2017, I work retail and help pay the bills. Would I like to move out? I guess. I love my home though. It’s a great peaceful country town in New England. But it’s almost been a blessing in disguise with covid.
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