Not mine. I see a lot of people asking about the Nice Shut Up Liver You’re Fine Skull Vintage Shirt grapefruit juice, etc. I found this a while back and seems very good. Just tried it with OP80s (cut in half). It also gives a nice explanation as to why. A while back I came across this guide of several methods to potentiate an opiate high. I did not write this myself but it really does work well. I recommend this thread be stickied… bad if this has been posted before…
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What’s up. I haven’t shown my face in quite some time, but I haven’t died or Nice Shut Up Liver You’re Fine Skull Vintage Shirt anything. Been super fucking busy with work, school, and of course, drugs. So, my opiate experience is now ridiculous. As some of you may remember, I had an “opiate potentiation formula” that I thought was pretty damn good. That was when my opiate use was, TOPS, once a month. Now, I use several times a week, and only to keep my tolerance from rising and to avoid becoming physically dependant do I limit my indulgence.
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And, in my opiate-induced generally junk-driven journey’s, I have seriously revised my famous formula. Here it is, in all it’s new, revamped glory: Now, some of Nice Shut Up Liver You’re Fine Skull Vintage Shirt you may be wondering WHY ‘clogging’ these enzymes is so beneficial. Basically, by slowing or even completely stopping the metabolization of opiates, they last MUCH longer. Also, blood plasma levels of opiates have been shown to vastly higher when the CYP450 set is strongly inhibited; meaning there is a higher peak, and it lasts longer.
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