to a great extent. This is why phoenixes are so selective; were a phoenix to Nice Keep Calm And Walk The Golden Retriever Shirt bond with a chronically depressed or emotionally unstable person, the phoenix would suffer along with the companion. Phoenixes are very sensitive to anger and hatred; it affects them very strongly and negatively.” Amazed, Harry immediately wondered whether Fawkes had made a good choice. “But, sir, isn’t he going to be in trouble, then? I mean, look at how I was last year, I was angry or upset a lot of the time.
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I seem like the least likely person for a phoenix to choose.” • 310 • Dumbledore gave Harry a small smile, suggesting that he knew more than Harry did. “It is not your past that attracts Fawkes, it is your future. was he. “Wow… I don’t really know what to say to that. I… I guess I’ll just try extra hard to Nice Keep Calm And Walk The Golden Retriever Shirt make sure that happens. I don’t want him to have to suffer.” Dumbledore nodded as if he had known Harry would say that. “That you feel that way is part of the reason he chose you. I do not want to say that phoenixes are never wrong, but it happens so rarely that one might just as well say so.” Harry exhaled, still stunned. “This is so incredible. I mean… “The regard, affection, assistance, love, and support will flow from those who know you, in great quantities.r they found out what happened to me, they came over anyway, they didn’t care. Oh, by the way, did you hear what they did?” Harry told him about the nine
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letters he got, the context of the situation, and how proud he was. “Indeed you should be proud, Harry, because they were doing what you taught them, and showing real courage and solidarity. I firmly believe that they followed your example as well as your instruction. And that is why they braved Mr. Malfoy’s wrath and visited you.” Shaking his head in amazement, Harry said,. You could identify with their struggle, similar in concept to Nice Keep Calm And Walk The Golden Retriever Shirt your own, but you could not take direct action on their behalf. All that is bound to create a bond of closeness. The relationship you build with
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