Well, I hope they Nice Joe Kelly Nice Swing Bitch Dodgers Cheaters Shirt cancel the match for Keith’s sake. I’m not someone who likes to call for people’s jobs. But can they get rid of this fool already? It’s always something with him. Why don’t you wait until something actually happens before you throw a bitch fit about it? Besides, It seems like most people are ripping on Strowman for this anyway. The “WWE stans” included. They won’t lol. Jericho will continue to be a lightning rod while Braun and most of the wrestlers (new and WWE) in Florida that just go out and do whatever anyways will be ignored.
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A bunch of Nice Joe Kelly Nice Swing Bitch Dodgers Cheaters Shirts nxt people had a party which caused the last outbreak and I don’t even think that story got posted on this subreddit. Edit: and to be clear, I don’t even think the criticism Jericho got was overblown. it’s just very obviously disproportionate compared to other wrestlers doing dumb shit during the pandemic. He should be made to quarantine for 2 weeks now and take multiple tests during that time. I said the same thing when Jericho did the Sturgis shows. Humans are social creatures and not everyone wants to sit at home and watch Netflix and play video games.
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