Glad you made it to Park Circle. I work in the area and I love it there during lunch and at night. Next time try the Nice Hookin’ Ain’t Easy Funny Fishing Vintage Shirt Mill for Happy hour and Idle Hour for lunch. Tell Dolly I said hey. The chili cheeseburger is wonderful. So much so, I had one for lunch today. I agree with you on the spec home price. Unless it was a shack no way they built it under 100k. No place in the country are they building that cheap.
Nice Hookin’ Ain’t Easy Funny Fishing Vintage Shirt, Tank top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men and Women

I literally work right across from the Nice Hookin’ Ain’t Easy Funny Fishing Vintage Shirt paper mill off Virginia Ave and I rarely smell it. If you smelled something funny and you were downtown on James Island or in West Ashley, you might have been downwind from Plum Island which is where your poopie goes when you flush. That ain’t no paper mill.
Official Nice Hookin’ Ain’t Easy Funny Fishing Vintage Sweatshirt, Hoodie

I’m gonna have to call bullshit on a Nice Hookin’ Ain’t Easy Funny Fishing Vintage Shirt spec house anywhere in Charleston, North Charleston, Mt. P, or Summerville. Whoever told you that is feeding you a line. While I’m sure it’s cheaper here than anywhere in NYC, it ain’t that cheap, even in the worst parts of town. The smell is more prevalent when cloudy, I’ll give you that. Maybe I just don’t smell it anymore…
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