punishment will be enforced?” “Oh, no, that is already done. Teachers have great discretion in such matters. In addition, even if he had not coerced them, as a Nice Baby Yoda And Baby Stitch Friends Shirt prefect, he shared responsibility for their actions, which you pointed out to him. No, the meeting tonight will be to determine whether, and what type of, further sanctions are warranted. What they may be, and how severe, will depend on Mr. Malfoy’s testimony.” In other words, if he lies, he’ll be in big trouble, thought Harry
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. Harry doubted that Malfoy knew that Dumbledore was a Legilimens, and so would lie ever more earnestly, not knowing he was digging a hole deeper and deeper. Harry found himself looking forward to it, but then looked at Dumbledore, and realized that such reactions were not something to Nice Baby Yoda And Baby Stitch Friends Shirt be proud of. “I understand, sir. What time will this meeting be? I have Quidditch at 6:30, and Occlumency with you at 10:00, so my evening’s a little tight.” • 312 • Dumbledore smiled. “Yes, it is a busy day. Let us make it 9:15, then. . “Professor, I realize that becoming a companion of Fawkes’s is really important. Is there anything else that I should know about phoenixes that I don’t know, especially thinking of the next few days?”
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