Too little, too late, and doing Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bass Guitar Shirt so while ignoring the moves that would have actually done some good, and instead while selling PPE to Russia and China when we knew we’d need it here. The disparity of the virus is still so weird to me. I still don’t know a single person that has had it and my wife and I have worked through the entire pandemic. I keep thinking someone at either of our jobs will eventually get infected or be sick but just luckily haven’t seen it.
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She works with the public and easily Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Bass Guitar Shirt interacts with 300-400 people per day. I might see maybe 50 people per day. That’s mildly surprising, but depending on the size of your company and social set entirely possible. At this point, a little more than half of Americans say they know at least one person who has had it. I personally know four people who have passed from it – two of the family members, one friend’s parent, and one friend. Their argument is that Biden said Trump was doing too much. I’ve also personally gone through a moderate case of it, one of the earliest cases in my state back in late March. I’m still not 100% recovered – yet my wife had absolutely no symptoms.
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