- The left says he must be canceled. I wonder if those Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt same woke children will ever say anything about Gandhi and little girls? I doubt it. Would you like an answer as a non-European or a European? Cuz there are two different answers. No, don’t hate him. But realize that seeing him so celebrated (“aww he wanted a cat! That is literally making my ovaries explode”) is gonna make a chunk of folks (many from his previous colonies) uncomfortable. He was our mass murderer. And all apologetics of “he didn’t directly mean to kill you folks” cuz his vocal racism against. Us was the primary cause of his apathy. And the Brits owed responsibility to what happened inside the colonies.
- They ruled over…colonies which maintained stagnant economic produce over centuries while they’re Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt own countries grew by milking the cash cow. And it was people in their own goddamn country dying cuz a European bloke thinking our lives aren’t as important. Don’t hate him. Just realize that many people are gonna feel like speaking up when he is celebrated, especially given how the Brits got as little as a slap on the wrist for the bullshit they did in the colonial past. It’s not too far away in the past, just like the holocaust isn’t too far away in the past. The pain is real even on this side.
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- I mean he was a Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt horrible human being (beyond measly being “flawed”) that deliberately caused the deaths of millions. You mean the one that he knew nothing about for months because of lying local government officials, and he dispatched a new Viceroy to fix? Cunt was a genocidal maniac and supported what Hitler wanted towards India and Ireland. Anyone who supports this fat cunt supports the Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt Nazi cows. Yeah, I know contextual racism, not all heroes are 100% goodies racism and relevant death were collateral damage could you imagine being ruled by the nazis, etc.
- But our dude and friends exacerbated famine calamities causing the death of millions of people. So forgive me for not finding this cutie cute. Reddit demographics is never visible more clearly than it is in the “weekly jerk off to Churchill” threads. Guy passively killed people in the same order of magnitude as Hitler. By sheer apathy and active racism against natives of the land, he was a foreigner. Churchill was an open racist, so racist that even. His fellow conservatives at the Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt time said he was too racist. His policies contributed to the Bengal famine in which millions of people died. I am strongly in favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes.
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- I do not admit for instance, that a Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race. A higher-grade race, a more worldly-wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. Ah but that’s not the full quote, is it? The full quote It is sheer affectation to lacerate a man with the Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt poisonous fragment of a bursting shell. And to boggle at making his eyes water by means of lachrymatory gas.
- I am strongly in favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes. The moral effect should be so good that the loss of life should be reduced to a minimum. It is not necessary to use only the most deadly gasses: gasses can be used which causes great inconvenience and would spread a lively terror and yet would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt affected. Waffles. All orange cats are named waffles. The man was a monster who was responsible for the deaths of millions and utter misery across at least two continents before Hitler even rose to power.
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- I think we as people have this asinine idea that Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt one person is responsible for the atrocities committed by an entire country’s government a the time. The local government lied about the extent of the crisis to the War Cabinet, and Churchill initially did not believe the accurate figures because they were so dire. If they are only capable of watching videos, they might as well refute them with a Ballet Girls And She Lived Happily Ever After Shirt single one. That Winston Churchill was quirky, for a mass murderer. Scratch that, they all are. Churchill making sure that cats and kittens are taken care of in the UK.
- While he strategically starves 2 million people to death in Bengal. Churchill definitely was no good than Hitler himself. Really wish he had a miserable death, but alas he was a WaR HeRo. That’s cute. Churchill still was a P.O.S. who treated Natives like garbage. Is the cat required to hate people from India as much as Churchill hated them? Just traditions really that we take seriously, we don’t really give a Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt shit about anything else. That’s not how things work. You can’t just decide you don’t like someone and remove them from history. Churchill genocided millions of Indians so quite frankly I don’t give a fuck about his cat.
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- Classic Churchill: We shall help the cat but only the Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt one that’s Marmelade and has white Pages and a white spot on the nose the other cats can starve to death. Considering the horror stories I’ve read about people falling in, diving in to rescue a family member, pet… These people should count their blessings. It sure is unfortunate that she is hurt but it could have ended far more tragically. Yeah, when I saw the headline, I was fully expecting that she had been turned. Into human soup by the hot springs based on older stories, I’ve read about that happening out there.
- That she’s alive at all is a Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt miracle. She is lucky to survive, many people die from the burns sustained falling in. The book Death in Yellowstone has a lot of interesting cases. The one that always comes to mind when I think about Yellowstone is the guy who died after trying to save a dog who had jumped into one of the thermal springs. He managed to get out of the pool (with his friend’s help) but had third-degree burns to 100% of his body. When another person tried to take one of his shoes off, the skin on his foot just came with it. He died the following day in a hospital.
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