I’ve never considered school as a Never Stand Between A Woman And Her Mountain Dew Shirt daycare, but as a place that my child can be taught things that I’m not qualified to teach at home. I have a rising 4th grader that I’m trying to teach the common core to while I’m trying to cook dinner after working all day. My child is also on an IEP, which makes teaching in ways she can understand extremely difficult. Everything you see as a negative makes populations obedient, gullible, and easily manipulated. Everything you see as a negative makes populations obedient, gullible, and easily manipulated. I try not to judge parents because I don’t know what they’re lives and daily struggles are. We went from a society where one parent could stay home.
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And the other could support the Never Stand Between A Woman And Her Mountain Dew Shirt family on one salary to needing at least two salaries or several part-time side jobs to support a family. I didn’t even talk about structural racism, inability to gain or pass down wealth, redlining, lead poisoning, and several other cultural factors. Our production went up, pay stayed stagnant while our cost of living did not, and our education system remained the only lifeline for someone to rise out of poverty, and then we made the public school one of the places where structural racism further increased the inequity between rich and poor folk. I’m not quick to criticize a parent who needs a school to watch their kid while they’re working odd hours or multiple jobs.
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