- Reminds me of the My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt big story of 2001 (other than 9/11 and Gary Condit) which was Robert Hanssen, the Russian spy within the FBI. The book “The Bureau and the Mole” goes into depth about how Hanssen and some of his co-workers were in Opus Dei, a much more serious and rigid version of Catholicism. He would wear a device around his leg to hurt him for penance and such, would voyeur spy on each other banging their wives, but on the surface, they were right-as-rain holy men with families. Really too bad they got a My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt bad rap when their follower went around murdering people trying to stop Tom Hanks from finding the Holy Grail.
- The thing is, they all use the same form. But DOS makes you put the little details like the directions of the tent you stayed in at Camp Leatherneck 9 years ago. It’s ridiculous. I know…bases that don’t even exist. DoS, “hey, we need the phone number to FOB Hit, Iraq.” I ended up just looking up the Brigade Staff Duty phone numbers and using those. Yeah, trust me, I feel your pain. And it’s not even our fault when we submit the stuff to a person. It’s like guys… There are just some things that cannot be submitted accurately here. It’s a constant battle on our My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt end. But yeah I do get it. Interesting. I do know more than one Mormon in the State Department. Like a lot actually.
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- As a talent acquisition professional, I can tell you, they’re also heavily recruited for My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt sales roles. The simple reason is they’re very used to knocking on doors and handling rejection. Mormons make great sales professionals. This is actually an even better reason to hire them for policing/intelligence. You need people who are totally cool with approaching a potentially hostile stranger and striking up a conversation. I mean, that’s what it is at the start, but I only refill it with baileys. As long as I refill it before it’s empty it still has some coffee in it though, so it’s not a lie technically. Anecdotal but had a Mormon neighbor who we thought was an accountant for the twenty years we knew him until he retired and revealed he had been in the CIA.
- The military also recruits a My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt lot of Mormons as translators for the same reasons. The church has already trained them in other languages. They tend to be squeaky clean and can get top clearances. Not only FBI and CIA but large, baby-boomer-generation corporations. If you’re looking for keeping your nose to the grindstone and don’t ask questions’ people, likely married, no drinking/drugs, ready to settle down and put down roots…Mormons are a safe bet. I worked as a leasing agent under an LDS boss that My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt had 9 kids. Can confirm. He always “worked late” when we didn’t need him to stay late at all. He definitely didn’t like being involved with so many kiddos. Kinda sad to think about really.
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- One of my Ph.D. friends is Mormon and that My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt girl fucking GRINDS all day every day and doesn’t complain. Married right out of college, straight into a Ph.D. with multiple publications in undergrad, did the full courseload before making her husband dinner every night, novices, 2 cats, has multiple research fellowships, and plays the piano/does weekly things in Spanish for her ward. I admire the work ethic. But she refused to come to our gender course the day we were discussing BDSM and I had to laugh. Typically that joke is told about Baptists. In my experience, Baptists tend to fit that joke much better, whereas it seems that a lot of Mormons really internalize their beliefs and typically are very sheltered.
- Yeah, my dad always told the My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt joke as “What’s the difference between a Methodist and a Baptist? A Methodist will talk to you at the liquor store”. I worked with a Mormon woman in a multi-lingual department last year. She spoke 7 languages! She would jump to one desk and speak Romanian, then to another and speak German. At BYU one of my professors was a staffer on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and in the CIA under George H. W. Bush. During the Cold War, the USSR actively and constantly used honey pots (hot Russian women) against CIA agents. He was part of the interview process for CIA agents caught up by USSR honey pots. He told us that a My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt popular place for USSR assets to try and snag CIA agents was on the train/subway to DC.
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- In 22 years in the My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt US Army, EVERY LDS soldier I served with I would say was top 10% of all soldiers I ever served with, no exceptions. I wouldn’t say that of any other demo. Every single one I knew was simply outstanding as a soldier and as a person. I’ve dealt with the FBI a few times as well as a few other agencies, and the Melanin Beauty Has No 3 Skin Tone Vintage Shirt major problem is that cases are often boring, and they have recruited people who are interested in action, which means they become disinterested in their jobs, and often don’t even know what they are supposed to be looking for. For instance, the largest Medicare fraud in history went undetected even after multiple reports, because the agents just weren’t very interested and thought nobody would do something like that.
- They didn’t think someone would throw away a good job by committing fraud. It wasn’t logical to them. Every single time I have reported something they ask “why would someone do something like that?” and they ignore the case for a few years until someone dies or there is some major crime that draws their attention. Then they suddenly believe. In my experience, if they want to recruit better agents and analysts, they need to go after people who are used to incredibly boring jobs like data entry. Digging through evidence is boring to agents who want to see action, but it’s quite exciting to someone who had been doing a My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt pointless mind-numbing data entry job for years. What most agents despise, people like that would be excited to do.
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- Secondly, don’t hire people who are dismissive. Too many My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt crimes are ignored because they don’t make sense to the agents. This is the wrong attitude because criminals are impulsive, they are not logical. So just because something is illogical doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Nearly every major case the FBI ignored was because they didn’t comprehend why something was happening, so they assumed it was not. I’m a systems engineer who got into forensic computing while I was in the Air Force. I literally already had a security clearance and experience. But none of the alphabet agencies could promise me a job tangentially related to my field. They were basically asking me to re-enlist in different military and hope they’ll give me the My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt job I want. Fuck that. Even the air force let me pick my job…
- I’d want to join the FBI because I’m one of those data entry/analyst types that love that kind of work but wouldn’t mind a not-so-boring thing popping up. FBI should be hiring high-level tech support and sysadmins if they want anal people who dig into everything to root out what caused an issue. Well, because they don’t want people to know why they use them. It’s a psychological tool used to pressure people to be honest. People often admit to crimes to avoid having to take the tests, because they think they are about to be revealed. It is purely psychological, and a My 70th Birthday I Was In Lockdown 2021 Shirt form of intimidation. They can’t tell people this for obvious reasons, because it wouldn’t work very well if people knew. I’m surprised more people haven’t realized this yet. You hook someone up to a fancy-looking machine and pretend that the machine can read your mind.
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