- I don’t know if I can convey this well but… the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt facts that so many people are worried about it, don’t intuitively understand what it is, and just simply can’t believe that it doesn’t work is the reason they still use it. It still weeds out candidates. It doesn’t ‘work’ in the sense that people think but it does work from an ‘it convinces people to confess things’ perspective. Taking a polygraph is an absolutely miserable experience even if you know it doesn’t work. It should still retain some of its deterrent power. It’s also a Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt really great excuse to weed out anyone you don’t like the looks of during hiring without discrimination lawsuits. You either flag them for being evasive and lying or convince them to admit something disqualifying. The Special Agent job is also just too glamorized by the media.
- I know someone who’s an obvious fit for analysis rather than law enforcement. Great with learning languages, two degrees, etc. She’s still set on being a Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt super cop rather than apply for office jobs like intelligence and linguistics. She’ll never make it into the FBI because she won’t accept where she’d actually be valuable to them. They don’t actually want to be good at their jobs, they want to recruit people who will keep the FBI’s secrets. At least in digital forensics and security, they’re barely a step above state police incompetency because they pay absolute shit compared to the market. I half think they exclude the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt smarter engineers who might leak shit if they realize what value they have.
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- I had to do a poly for my Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt TS/SCI clearance and I had to go redo it 3 times because one of the questions was giving me issues (the whole thing made me anxious because the job that I was already doing depended on it). The last one I had to do I started hyperventilating, sweating, and heart-racing halfway through after he asked me a question. I thought for sure I was going to fail and somehow I passed. A friend of mine had to get a security clearance for his military job and he said they will intentionally ask outlandish shit (like questions about necrophilia or whatever) so they can gauge your reaction and measure it against the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt answers to the questions they actually care about.
- When the tech company I was working for was about to go public someone asked if our drug policy would change and one of the directors laughed and said that no, we wouldn’t be firing half the engineering team. He was being heavily recruited by the Goldman Sachs and Googles of the world his senior year but wanted to do something meaningful and join the FBI but they just wouldn’t make an exception for him because of the weed. He tried for 8 months to get around the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt weed prohibition. He even got his local Congressman (who was his next-door neighbor) to write a letter of recommendation. Nope… He went to work for Google for a few years. Then started his own FinTech at 25 that iPod 2 years after that and now has a market cap of 17 billion.
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- And if Musk is cleared, it will definitely come up. Not that there’s much reason for him to have clearance since he’s not actually working on the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt systems himself. It might not even cost him his clearance. A rich asshole who smokes pot isn’t likely to get himself into the kinds of trouble that could make him easy to compromise by foreign powers. Where a working-class schlub getting busted for weed could easily be pushed into a debt spiral that other countries could really help him out of. He’s certainly cleared, as he is what’s called KMP, or Key Management Personnel. It’s a requirement for him to hold one since the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt company has to maintain an FCL, or Facility Clearance License.
- The other caveat here is that you cannot be doing illegal stuff as a clearance holder. Some things can still be mitigated. For example, you can get a DUI and still maintain your clearance. It’s all relative. Regardless if you’re a CEO or janitor, you’ll be held to the same standard. Obviously, this doesn’t apply in regards to the WHSO, or White House Security Office for example, where the President can overrule recommendations (Kush). All branches do have the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt same authority to overrule a separate Adjudication decision but it’s not something that regularly happens and for good reason. You can’t blackmail someone for smoking weed if it was recorded and put all over the Internet with their consent.
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- Wow. Mormons sound like the perfect candidate. Experts at being smart but not questioning, educated but not liberal, able to use logic but also loyal enough to twist it into something that fits the “correct” worldview, plus the overwhelming drive to be on the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt “good” side. I remember also being taught that sins don’t count if you do them in the service of your country. The same can be said for summer guides at American (Alaskan) cruise ship ports of call. The majority are Mormon students recruited from BYU. No smoking, no drinking, no cussing, and no trouble. Brilliant! Just like the secret service heavily recruits college wrestlers from the Never Underestimate A Farmer Who Survived Snovid 21 Shirt Midwest because they are more likely to fit a certain profile. Educated, mentally tough, America first, physical specimen, and so on.
- Former Mormon here. Like any religion, it is a spectrum. Some are die-hard, some pick and choose what they follow. Some try to keep up appearances, some do illegal things and hide behind the religion. Some are high and mighty, some are toxic. As individuals, you will find them more relatable than if you view them as a whole. Their uptight moral code easily separates them from other religions which put all of them on this pedestal which they will no doubt fall from. Just try to judge every person for themselves and not the community in which they may be a Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt part. Changing your beliefs and values is hard enough, let alone when you lose your entire community and support. Current Mormon here. 100% agree. People have no reason to use their religion as an excuse for illegal things they do.
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- Active Mormon here. All of this Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt. my wife and I fall under the more… crass side of things. We will sometimes swear, find dirty jokes funny, and don’t hide our kids from the world (or the world from our kids). but we focus more on being as decent of people as we can be and being nice to others. but I’ve met people who beat their wife on Saturday and stood up and said how amazing they were on Sunday, and people who so sheltered themselves from the world that they basically couldn’t function, and people who judged others, not of our faith, harshly and with no love. Everybody is an individual, we’re all just trying to do our best. I do not recommend Lost boys though. That book FUCK me up. I read it way too young.
- We moved into a very heavy Mormon populated part of town (we live in the Phoenix area, LOTS of Mormons here) and were worried at first, but it has actually been pretty nice. our neighborhood has a pretty good mix of people and cultures, and the only ones we don’t get along with are the assholes who moved from Cali in the Love One Woman And 1 Several Cars Shirt last few months and only complain about AZ, and constantly tell us how California is better or would be if it wasn’t so locked down. (I’ve had that conversation at least once a week for months it seems like). They say Mormons are like manure. Spread them out and they do a lot of good. But pile them all up, it’s just a pile of shit. I love all these Mormons being like “gee I wish Mormon people were less like Mormon people”.
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