Case in point: reducing costs by firing all the people needed to run the business, and then wondering why the business doesn’t run. Sell it to LGBT Cross Jesus Gay God Accepts You Shirt vulture capitalists who pick the bones for money and then close the company. Ride your golden parachute to the next business you can ruin. I’ve been through that cycle once. Automated a ton of things, removed about 2.5 million dollars worth of overhead work the company had to do, had a party for a record-breaking fiscal year.. and then they laid off over 1/3rd of the workforce, including me and everyone that I had trained on the automation. Oh yes, I’m with a startup now and it’ll be at least half a decade before its in a position to go through that process XD Honestly, things are great and I appreciate the concern. How’re you? Narcissists at his level of pathology are incapable of humor. Their identities are too fragile to tolerate the irrationality or irreverence needed to make something funny. He likes to say things that make his fans laugh because it’s a positive feedback for his worship-hungry self.
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To be honest, I think he’d actually have to care to laugh about it. Whenever he’s not at the mic, he looks thoroughly bored and as he’d rather be anywhere else in the world. I don’t think he takes any pleasure in it since it’s the first real test of his presidency that he can’t simply blame on someone else or weasel his way out of. If this wasn’t having a very real impact on his re-election chances, I don’t think he’d engage with it at all unless he could find some way to LGBT Cross Jesus Gay God Accepts You Shirt turn it to his benefit, which is what this is all about. He doesn’t care that tens of thousands of Americans have died and more are dying every day. He just cares that it makes him look bad. This isn’t bumbling. This is buggery. If Trump and his aides contradict themselves, and each other, all the time, their words don’t have meaning. And if their words are meaningless, they can‘t be held accountable for them.
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This weekend’s Trump-Barr-Berman fiasco, for instance. Barr lies and says that Berman retired, gets caught in the lie, fires Berman, and blames Trump, who then lies and s he’s not involved, only to have his press secretary contradict him two days later with an admission that he was involved. Sure, they got caught telling obvious lies, which is embarrassing (or should be). But on the plus side, for them, nobody knows what the hell’s going on or who did what. We spend three or four days trying to LGBT Cross Jesus Gay God Accepts You Shirt parse that out, then it vanishes from the news cycle and we forget the whole thing.
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