- Do you realize how dystopic that Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt is? Or are you just a brain moron? Funny, I’d never get my clearance if I owed even 40k to foreign banks. Double standards are a real problem. Then make it an amendment which is easy to say and hard to do I know, since Republicans somehow don’t mind opposing obviously non-partisan things that might hurt them. A full background check of Trump would have revealed his personal debt so people would have known ahead of time what his Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt security risk was. While his base still wouldn’t care it’s not like his shady business dealings weren’t made public.
- It would have made the case against him more effective, I think. You wouldn’t trust the FBI on a background check? Get out of here. It’s a routine thing they do, and it is little if any political influence. Just make the results open and transparent where possible IE releasing tax returns, or any foreign-tied businesses, and maybe first-degree connections that flag. Saying the FBI can’t do a background check is like saying congress can’t be trusted with Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt passing laws. Completely ignorant of everything that the group HAS been doing properly for the last 50+ years.
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- Yeah no block it just needs to be public. And? If they control the Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt check, they control the information released. They may not directly block, but don’t think for a minute that this sort of power wouldn’t provide indirect blocks by selectively releasing information. I see that the sentiment for wanting this is good, and I agree with it, but in no circumstances should a background check be a part of the political process–it just puts too much power to control the narrative in the hands of the party that control the checking agency. The Red Scares of the Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt 1920s and 1950s should provide.
- Some insight into what could happen, as even the simple label of socialist or Communist on an opponent, was an effective block to office. Now imagine if that sort of power was institutionalized in a federal agency. Oh, I’m just in favor of everything being public not the background check itself. Guaranteed if there was a background check requirement this admin would abuse it. Tax returns, government records, the works, the Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt people should decide if it’s relevant. The selective release is a problem though. It shouldn’t be harder to work in a Walmart than become President either.
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- Or how about the fact that you need the Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt experience to work as a janitor but zero experience in politics to become president? Never mind CIA agent there is no way that he would be able to get even the lowest level security clearance. He wouldn’t be able to enlist in the military, and there are a good number of private-sector jobs that he would be disqualified from. It’s bananas that he is allowed to be president. I’d love to make it an amendment but I think of all the election reforms that would probably be the least likely to pass, unfortunately. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.
- The Republican’s lack of governance is most obvious. When they are tanking popular legislation. Think about impeachment. It was extremely effective in revealing Republican mafia-style politics. Think about the specific mechanism you’d like to legislate to prevent another trump, there are some things Congress could do. However, without an amendment, presidential eligibility isn’t really going to be an area Congress has power. I have to self-report and risk losing my clearance if I get a moving violation in excess of 300. Self-reporting is so strict and this Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt jackoff just casually owes 400 million dollars to foreign entities.
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- I’m originally from a Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt foreign country. My husband had to do all kinds of paperwork to not lose his clearance before he even married me. Double standards indeed. They are not double standards, elected positions are not subject to oversight. We don’t want the government to make the decision to approve or deny elected officials, it would undermine democracy. You would never get a security clearance for 1 to a foreign bank. It’s an Upset Dog Let Me Pour You A Tall Glass And Heres A 9 Straw So You Can Suck It Up Shirt immediate disqualifier. That’s not true. But even in 2016, I remember that being a concern. It was there if you looked for it.
- It’s even weirder and even earlier. At one point he was trying to persuade Ronald Reagan to make him US ambassador to the Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt USSR. Same. I want to know my representatives aren’t at risk of blackmail but I’m not willing to leave that to an agency that can use that for an agenda. Financial background check, I would go with. Want to know how much debt or assets they are carrying, and the terms and holders of any debt they have. Since these are all schedule 1 drugs they’d for sure be red flags and might put their authorization at the federal level in jeopardy.
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- In a background check, they aren’t looking for everything wrong you’ve done in your Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt past. They’re looking for anything that can be used as leverage over you. For example, drug use wouldn’t necessarily be a problem. That is the key. If you’re embarrassed to admit it can be used against you. There’s literally a picture of Obama smoking what is allegedly a joint in college. They don’t care. But if weed was a huge deal or that was a picture of him shooting heroin into his arm, and someone had it, and that Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt person could use blackmail to coerce the president, that becomes a problem.
- Now, this all pales in comparison to the leverage. Someone has over a person hundreds of millions apparently over a billion possibly with interest charged in debt. That’s why Donald is a puppet to someone, most likely Putin. They have so much blackmail on Donald they’re literally able to tell him to take actions that are incredibly harmful to the US and he can’t say no even if he wanted to. Drug abuse is a criterion that typically excludes you from a Kawhi Pg 2021 Shirt security clearance but I’d still encourage the original argument because there should be a discussion that leads to the decriminalization of drugs.
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