emotions, my Lord. I was not thinking tactically, about the success of the mission. There was applause from the teachers, as Harry stood rooted to I’m A Dogaholic On The Road To Recovery Just Kidding Shirt the spot in surprise until McGonagall put her hand on his shoulder and guided him forward. continued to glare at Snape defiantly. “Well, let us move on from this topic,” said Dumbledore, who had said nothing for the past several minutes, staying out of the dispute. “Professor Potter has already been advised regarding handing out detentions; I will let him know if he missteps. Professor Snape, I would like to see those statistics change for the better next year. Now, what is next?” Harry had little to say for the rest of the meeting. Snape continued to shoot him poisonous glares, which he met with eye contact every time. . Even if I can manage to overlook all he’s done to me in the past, I’m not going to let him
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He also believes that the Legion is there for me to access, and he told me how he believes it can be done. The Ministry… Dumbledore…” He felt a sneer form on his face. As for Dumbledore, he will be handled. She looked at him darkly and said, “My Lord, Dumbledore must have turned him. He has not shown any loyalty, he stays–” He whipped out his wand and pointed it at her; She bowed her head in immediate repentance. “SILENCE!” he shouted. “It is not for you to I’m A Dogaholic On The Road To Recovery Just Kidding Shirt make such decisions! I gave him the test, and he passed it. If he were disloyal, I would know. Now, is that clear? But it seemed this was not the case. Harry thought it was likely that this was a result of their confidence in Dumbledore, but then he remembered that Dumbledore had hired Quirrell and Lockhart, so some of it had to be regard for him personally. Near the end of the evening, Dumbledore asked for everyone’s attention. The group quieted down quickly. “My friends, a word, if I may…
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” He waved the wand; she could talk again.“Yes, my lord.” “Very well, Bella. You may leave.” She kissed his robes again and withdrew. He walked over to the window and looked at the partly cloudy morning sky. “They will follow me,” he said to himself. “They will follow me.” Harry woke with a start. He knew instantly what had happened. That was not random dream; he knew it came from Voldemort’s mind. Weasley. He knew what he. He felt totally at a loss. A toast? He thought of his Occlumency training. Clear your mind, he thought. It seemed to work; he felt less nervous very quickly. to Dumbledore, “I, uh… I was pretty nervous, you know, about teaching this year, and the
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