I think when people say America is a third world country it’s clearly intended as hyperbole. It’s just used to I Would Have Quit By Now But My Trainer Scares Me Vintage Shirtdemonstrate the decline of America as a world leader and the image of a social haven it enjoyed post world war 2 for several decades. Speaking for myself as someone from Ireland, when I was a kid in the early ’90s, America was THE tourist destination. Like you were no one in school unless you’d been. I Would Have Quit By Now But My Trainer Scares Me Vintage Shirt, Tank top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men and Women
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Yeah for sure. I agree with the declining image for sure. Which SUCKS. I hate that it’s become like that. I want us to restore foreign relations. The only thing is don’t always listen to the news. Generally, America is very safe. I’ve actually had more crime happen to me Europe than I ever have in the US. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever had an encounter with criminal or criminal activity in my life here, and I’ve lived in shifty places and safe places. she can’t go to I Would Have Quit By Now But My Trainer Scares Me Vintage Shirt as many places as I can without a lot of money for visas. That’s just minor comparisons- but yeah we’re not poor. And yet our maternal death rates are almost on par with third world countries. That baffles me.
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EDIT: for some of you putting words into my mouth. I am NOT saying that the US is #1 or the “best” we have our own problems. If you’ve ever actually been to I Would Have Quit By Now But My Trainer Scares Me Vintage Shirt one you would see why comparing America to one is at best, laughable, and at worst almost offensive.EDIT 2: as another comment below said more eloquently “You’re showing a fuck ton of privilege if you think the US is a legit 3rd world country”. Go talk to a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide or Apartheid about Police brutality. Go talk to the poor in India who live in literal piles of trash and scrounge through trash heaps daily just so they can have something to eat/sell/use all because of how society views their place in the “illegal” caste system. Get out of here with that shit.
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