know just now, but I will tell you anyway, because you would want to know. As I said, phoenixes are highly discriminating. What he is doing with you is a I Never Dreamed I’ll Be Growing Up Like A Spoiled Granddaughter But Here I Am Killin’ It Shirt form of bonding, and phoenixes only bond with those they feel would be good custodians or companions. His first reaction was that he didn’t want to contemplate Albus Dumbledore being gone. He had come to depend on Dumbledore, especially recently. He hoped he would not be inheriting
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Fawkes for a very long time. His next reaction was to feel honored. A phoenix chose him as a companion? It was a lot to I Never Dreamed I’ll Be Growing Up Like A Spoiled Granddaughter But Here I Am Killin’ It Shirt get used to. He voiced his first reaction. “Sir, I really don’t want to think about you being gone.” Dumbledore nodded.. But we cannot ignore facts, either. I do not mean I will die tomorrow, or next month. But I am quite old, already a distance past normal life expectancy. Fawkes knows this. I have for some time been urging him to think about the future, and he has chosen you. After this crisis is over, he will still be my companion, but he will also be yours. It is a kind of changing of the guard, so to speak. He will spend time with each of us as he feels is appropriate, or where he feels the need is greater. It is normal that the phoenix •
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309 • spends more of this interim time in the presence of the older custodian, but it can vary from phoenix to I Never Dreamed I’ll Be Growing Up Like A Spoiled Granddaughter But Here I Am Killin’ It Shirtphoenix.” “Wow… sir… I’m really stunned. I mean, this is very serious. This is a very big thing. I’m just really honored.” “It is indeed an honor, Harry. I am glad you recognize that. The worldwide phoenix population is not high, and not all phoenixes choose to companion humans. The percentage of those that do is estimated to be less than a quarter of all phoenixes.” Harry still couldn’t quite believe it. He didn’t know that much about phoenixes beyond what he knew about Fawkes, but it had always been his impression that only people of great stature, like
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