We tried that bypassing the Affordable Care Act. States were given the option to expand Medicaid and receive extra federal money for it. The problem came in when red states decided they didn’t want to expand Medicaid. So now we have a split nation where in some states a I Can’t Keep Calm I Have A Black Son And I Will Air This Mutha Fucka Out For Him Shirt comfortable middle-class individual or family is eligible for Medicaid and in other states you have to have children and live in poverty before they will give you coverage I say this as a Medicaid Caseworker the policy is mind-blowing. There will always be states that balk and refuse to cooperate with giving people access to basic health care. It needs to be national but maybe state-run otherwise we wind up where we already are. Some states need to forced into it.
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First I would like to say I am not 100% opposed to the ACA. For example, the strongest point is the pre-existing conditions clause. No one should be denied coverage because of health issues. After all, if a person never had medical issues they would not need insurance. The concern I have is the definition of affordable. The premiums may be affordable, but the deductibles. What is affordable about a $10,000 deductible? And before anyone says that is not the case, I personally know people whose deductible was that high. The cost of the ACA to I Can’t Keep Calm I Have A Black Son And I Will Air This Mutha Fucka Out For Him Shirt consumers is high because the provision requiring that everyone have insurance was neutered by supreme court/congress (can’t remember which). The “affordability” of the ACA was predicated on young healthy people paying into the system. Now that they don’t have to, everyone who does pay in has to pay more to cover the slack.
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We have great insurance but I HATE HATE HATE how our healthcare decisions get filtered through an economic lens. Am I sick enough to go get checked out in an ER? Should I go to my PCP? ER? urgent care? Which one should I go to? I have to drive 40 minutes to a lab because it’s in-network or else I get gouged for basic tests. I/we are not hypochondriacs abusing the system. Hate how we in the US have no idea what the out of pocket cost is going to I Can’t Keep Calm I Have A Black Son And I Will Air This Mutha Fucka Out For Him Shirt be going in. Interestingly enough, my stepdad is Swedish and the healthcare system there is not the panacea many Americans make it out to be. My relatives there make it sound like if you don’t like your doctor-tough. And there seem to be long waits for stuff. Here too. There are trade-offs like they won’t go bankrupt for health care bills and it’s not like their medical outcomes are awful. Far from it and the US has worse medical outcomes. Rich Swedes get supplemental insurance, where they can go see a private doctor.
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