Hence the iron supplements and the Hot Gonna Chill With The Moon For A While Shirt herbal tea. If she puts enough of them in her body now before they begin to cause her pain she can hold off going any further and maybe even revert a bit. There are ways she could still return to normal, any converted fae that hasn’t received a mortal wound or lived past a normal lifespan or eaten in their realm normally can, but I think she been through enough for now.
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I don’t think she’s turned into a pretender, but a Hot Gonna Chill With The Moon For A While Shirt partial wild one. Warin specified that those turned above ground become pretenders, but she went to the land below. Judging from that, and the fact that she’s not bound to the park, it sounds like she’s some form of fae/wild one now. I honestly love this ending so much. I mean, I’m sure Leah would prefer to stay human but I stan a fae queen.
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