Frankly, every one of them. If you say Happy Halloween Meowoween Black Cat Gift T-Shirt that you don’t believe x president ever did anything positive, then you’re either foolish or lying. I’m not a big Obama person, but I’m not gonna call him dumb or a complete failure. The fact that people are still arguing for China and against Trump’s China policy is mind-blowing. If you are Americans, then I will worry about your countries future. Good luck America. Any wrong move on China onwards will cost you your global dominance and your way of life. I scrolled and read as much as I could before commenting to be sure no one mentioned it, but I didn’t see anything so here goes.
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Everyone has a short memory of the Happy Halloween Meowoween Black Cat Gift T-Shirt TPP. It was an awful agreement that would have screwed over not just Americans. Trying to push the TPP as the law is one of the reasons I never cared for Barak. Trump throw that thing in the trash, thus keeping the internet relatively free. Now it could be argued that installing Ajit Pai into a position of power countered all the good he did for the internet. But you asked if he did at all that was good, and trashing the TPP was good. He may have ruined it afterward, but that doesn’t remove the good he did at one time.
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