But don’t yall think that “triggering the thin-skinned libtards” is exactly what these scooter trolls wanted?? All this does is let them reinforce their views and dismiss any points against Trump because the idea that the girl that filmed is a Good Mafia For Life Shirt liberal is a justification enough in their minds to never even think of sliding slightly to her side. This type of shit mobilizes Trump supporters because they love to feel like the victim while they victimize people. Don’t buy into it. Be better than them. Don’t just believe better than them.
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I worked at a gym for a while and you get so used to seeing people built like this. It’s crazy how much time they will spend there per week. They were also the best customers/members, they loved keeping good vibes in the gym. It’s so inspiring and I miss it so damn much. Wow I’m so sorry to hear that. We were all let go so Good Mafia For Life Shirt that we could collect unemployment benefits (lol).. It just really sucks. Physical health and mental health are closely linked. Working out regularly is fantastic for your mental health and there have been numerous studies showing that regular exercise is an effective treatment for anxiety and depression. Once you get into a routine you notice the difference. The hardest part is getting started and sticking with it long enough for it to become a routine but once you get over that hump it’s a positive feedback loop in more way than one.
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Being unable to go to the gym regularly since COVID started has really been a wakeup call for how much I need that time. Obviously we all have to do our part to contain the pandemic and I fully support the social distancing requirements. I just can’t believe I forgot how important that gym time is since I have been in the routine for so Good Mafia For Life Shirt long that it almost started to feel boring or like a chore. Hah, this is amazing. In Canada, it’s packaged with gold foil on the neck of the bottle and sold as a premium import beer. I have been told in Europe is basically Budweiser. It’s amazing how branding can work. It’s an absolute SHIT beer, yet I know so many people that love it, drink it all the time, and look down on the guys drinking Molson and Bud. Fucking hilarious.
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