The others were pretty enthusiastic about it, too. I was really pleased with how everyone improved. Everyone tried really hard.” “Indeed, it does seem that you have much to be proud of. It takes courage to Funny Social Pioneer Distancing Shirt be the focal point of such an enterprise, though of course, you have shown no shortage of that in your time here.” Harry glanced down, embarrassed. “Now, I believe you have not yet received your O.W.L. results; Professor McGonagall has them and will be discussing them with you later after we are finished here. But I will mention one of them here, now.
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I imagine that you would not be surprised to learn that you achieved an Outstanding score in your Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.” Harry had hoped for, and privately expected, such a score, but had been reluctant to say it or think about it much, lest he be disappointed. “Yeah, I guess I’m not too surprised. I knew I did well. But I’m still really glad to hear it.” Dumbledore nodded. “Yes, I have been told by Mr. Tofty, who conducted your exam, that he has rarely, if ever, seen such a proficient performance. Now, normally we do not discuss exam results with anyone other than the student involved, but I am making an exception in this case. Would it surprise you to learn, Harry, that all of the fifth years in Dumbledore’s Army scored Outstanding O.W.L.s in this subject?” Harry’s mouth dropped open, indicating the depth of his surprise. “Really? All of them? Wow… that’s great! Well, like I said, everyone was really keen. It’s easier • 34 • to do well when it’s something you really want to Funny Social Pioneer Distancing Shirt do. It’s probably why I do so badly in Potions.” “No doubt you are correct when you point out that those studying with you were highly motivated, but I very much doubt that your fellow students would have done so uniformly well unless you had some skill as a teacher. You may take my word for it; I daresay I have some experience in the matter, being as I am a school headmaster.” “I guess I shouldn’t argue with you, then,” Harry reluctantly allowed. “Does this mean you want the D.A.
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McGonagall. “I daresay, however, that you will manage to get used to it.” “Indeed,” agreed Dumbledore. “I seem to recall that it took me some time as well. I’ll leave you two to it; I must be off on some errands. Minerva, I trust you will take him to my office when he is ready to go home?” “Of course, Professor,” she said, and he departed. To Harry, she said, “Please sit down.” Harry did so. “First, Harry, I would like to Funny Social Pioneer Distancing Shirt express my condolences for your loss, for Sirius’s death. I know what he meant to you. And… well, you have had more than enough loss for one lifetime. I fervently hope that you will have no more.” She was looking at him with great sympathy. Since McGonagall was usually quite stern, Harry did not know whether to be more surprised by this or by her calling him by his given name, which she had never done before. He felt very affected by her concern; he had always liked her, even though she was strict. “Thank you, Professor. I appreciate it,” Harry said sincerely. She nodded. Not wanting to linger on the subject, she asked, “So, how do you feel about becoming a teacher?”
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