This is Funny Batman’s Raiders Nation Shirt an incredible speech. What even is the RNC plan? Repeat “Jesus” for two straight nights, then give Trump all the Adderall. Rage, lies, white male power, more lies. It’s fear. That’s it. There’s no plan for healthcare. No plan for more jobs. No plan for any kind of police reform. It’s straight-up fear. You get a free cola with that. A lot of fear-mongering, gaslighting, idiocy. Rudy is gonna go on a drunken rant and then the Covington kid will rant about cancel culture. The Democrats plan of “don’t be assholes” is pretty difficult for the Republicans to compete with. Guns, racism, and the economy. Gotta hear from Ted Nugent, Scott Baio, and ClintEastwood’s empty chair.
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Liz is the Funny Batman’s Raiders Nation Shirt Batman of politics. Was there any low point tonight? Even Pelosi somehow wasn’t terrible. If we re-elect Trump, the generation of our country that re-elected Bush will look like Harvard scholars compared to the utter stupidity we’ll have sunk too. I know, many of those people are the same cloth, but man. Clinton’s listing various reasons to vote for Biden. Like her or not, but she’s right, Biden is advocating for various good policies. Here’s a comprehensive list, of the things Biden is calling for. Many reasons to vote for Biden and to vote Democrat and organize to elect Democrats down-ballot too so that Biden can get as much done as possible.
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