Well, this is the same guy that Funny Always Sisters Halloween Shirt held political rallies in March while Italy was overrun with COVID cases just so he could defeat Bernie in the primaries. After you asked, I went and looked at his site and they have extensive documentation about things the campaign has said, speeches Biden has made, and editorials they’ve written. They also have links dating back to January about all of those things. You mean the “border” closure that was limited to a few countries and which didn’t actually restrict travel to those countries, and which were done about a month too late to have done any good? He closed the border to most foreigners travel from China to the U.S. exempting U.S. citizens and some others but he did not shut down the borders completely.
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Then on Funny Always Sisters Halloween Shirt March 11. Trump ordered the border closed to foreigners coming to the U.S. from 26 European states, but not all of Europe. So Trump has control of the individual school districts throughout the entire United States? Wow, who knew he had such widespread powers. I mean it’s not like there are elected local and state officials that exclusively deal with such things. No that’s just silly. The individual state’s policies regarding lockdowns and school closures are the direct fault of trump! I knew it! Nice attempt at damage control though, unoriginal but C- for effort. So definitely nothing radically different.
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