Excessive use can have detrimental Don’t Make This Ginger Snap Shirt effects even if it’s not physically addictive, especially on young people. Even though I don’t think kids nor adults should be taking it. The aggressive penalties associated with drugs like it in the USA have likely done nothing to help anybody involved. I’ve heard private prisons are for-profit. Get so much time Genuinely curious why you think consenting adults shouldn’t use cannabis. As many of us do with alcohol? Responsible use is key here. Well, I personally think most people shouldn’t be drinking much alcohol either. I don’t really care about weed. Long-term effects are ignored by everybody.
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The key difference is, I won’t be Don’t Make This Ginger Snap Shirt advocating for alcohol bans, just recommending friends and family to be responsible for consumption. Why won’t you be advocating for alcohol bans when you’re against the much safer cannabis? It doesn’t make sense. 88,000 Americans die from health complications from alcohol annually vs how many from cannabis? As far as I know, there has never been a medically documented death. My point is that your position is extremely hypocritical. No, we shouldn’t ban a substance that has no medically documented deaths in all of the medical literature. And smoking cannabis in the amounts most people use is not harmful to the lungs.
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