You mean the guy who came to Don’t Confuse Your Rank With My Authority Shirt counter-protest and had to defend himself from a “peaceful” protestor who wanted him dead? Yea, sorry, get your racist ass “white privilege” garbage out of here. The problem is that the police ignored an armed man in a riot with the active shooting. The question is why did three police vehicles drive right past him while multiple people were yelling “He’s the shooter!”. Why was this kid allowed to drive home? Why wasn’t he shot on sight? That’s not a privilege, that’s supremacy. That runs much deeper.
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Why wasn’t he shot in the Don’t Confuse Your Rank With My Authority Shirt back 7 times by the same Police Department that days earlier did that same action to an unarmed man? No, but here’s a question. There were other “protestors” also with firearms so why is this kid being singled out? Also, yes, he shot 2 people in self-defense, one of which was in possession of a firearm. A Glock if I remember correctly. Why didn’t the police stop these people before the shooting occurred? But the bigger argument here was that it was in self-defense unless there’s evidence to suggest otherwise. It’s almost like letting a bunch of stupid posers walk around with their weapons at the ready was a bad idea.
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